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Text File | 1992-12-31 | 5.9 KB | 291 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- File: DApplication.cp
- Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Change History (most recent first):
- <6> 12/31/92 MTG making the code conditionaly compiled so that I am
- always working with a current version in either think c
- or MPW C++
- <5> 11/14/92 MTG Bringing the C++ version up to date WRT the ThinkC version.
- <4> 9/20/92 MTG Bringing the C++version up to date with the THINK C VERSION
- <3> 8/9/92 MTG merging in changes from the ThinkC version
- <2> 8/8/92 MTG fixing warnings
- To Do:
- */
- // This is the Class definition of the DApplication class
- //
- #include "DApplication.h"
- #include "DEventHandler.h"
- #include "DDocument.h"
- DApplication::DApplication(void)
- {
- fIterator = new DIterator;
- }
- DApplication::~DApplication(void)
- {
- delete fIterator;
- }
- //Set up the Handler lists and set up the members to safe values
- Boolean DApplication::InitApp(void)
- {
- Handle menuBar;
- fEventHandlers = new DList;
- fDeadHandlers = new DList;
- fEventHandlers->Init();
- fDeadHandlers->Init();
- fSleepVal = SLEEPVAL;
- fDone = FALSE;
- fTarget = this;
- fClipData = NULL;
- GetClipFromSystem();
- fInBackground = false;
- fCursorRgn = NewRgn();
- menuBar = GetNewMBar(rMenuBarID);
- SetMenuBar(menuBar);
- DisposHandle(menuBar);
- AddResMenu(GetMHandle(rAppleMenu), 'DRVR');
- DrawMenuBar();
- return TRUE; // I know that it never will return fals
- // but, I think subclasses may need to have
- // the option of returning FALSE.
- }// end of member function InitApp
- // Add all the event handlers to the fDeadHandlers by telling them all to
- // kill them selves then Flush 'em! This method smoked out a lot of side effect
- // problems with the event handler maintenance implemented in DinkClass, Its been
- // fixed. If your interested look at the comments in the
- // DApplication::FlushDeadHandlers method.
- Boolean DApplication::CleanUp(void)
- {
- DEventHandler *nextHandler;
- DIterator *iterator;
- // I'm using an alocated iterator in this function because IT
- // calls functions which result in calls to functions wich use
- // the DApplications fIterator (which messes up its use in THIS
- // function.)
- iterator = new DIterator;
- iterator->Init(fEventHandlers);
- while( nextHandler = (DEventHandler *)iterator->GetCurrentThenIncrement() )
- {
- nextHandler->KillMeNext();
- }
- FlushDeadHandlers();
- delete iterator;
- return fDone;// if user canceles out of closing a window then
- // fDone is rest to FALSE within DDocument::WindowClosed.
- }// end of CleanUp method...
- //
- // The following section of code is the deffintions of the fuctions
- // used in support of the DDocument handling modle used in this class
- // library.
- //
- DDocument* DApplication::MakeDDoc(Boolean OpenFromFile )
- {
- DDocument *New;
- New = new(DDocument);
- // if OpenFromFile == FALSE then it will
- // not read from any file
- if(New->Init(OpenFromFile))
- {
- if ( fTarget = New->MakeWindow(HasColorQD()) )
- ((DWindow *) fTarget)->SetWindowTitle();// everything went ok, so set the title
- // I'm having the App tell
- // the doc to make the window because I don't
- // like haveing one init function do too much stuff.
- // Its a reliability thing. BTW FALSE is for no colorQD
- else
- fTarget = New; // window not created
- }
- else
- {
- fTarget = this;
- SelectWindow( FrontWindow());
- }
- return New;
- }//end member function MakeDDoc
- //
- // DApplication overides of some of the DEventHandler subclass methods
- //
- void DApplication::HandleMenuChoice(short menuID, short menuItem)
- {
- short itemHit;
- Str255 daName;
- short daRefNum;
- if( menuID == rAppleMenu )
- {
- switch (menuItem)
- {
- case iAbout:
- itemHit = Alert(rAboutIDBox, NULL);
- break;
- default:
- GetItem(GetMHandle(rAppleMenu), menuItem, daName);
- daRefNum = OpenDeskAcc( daName);
- break;
- }
- }
- if( menuID == rFileMenu)
- {
- switch (menuItem)
- {
- case iNew:
- MakeDDoc(FALSE);
- break;
- case iOpen:
- MakeDDoc(TRUE);
- break;
- case iQuit:
- fDone = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }// end switch on menuItem
- }// end if fileMenu
- inherited::HandleMenuChoice( menuID, menuItem);
- }
- void DApplication::SetUpMenues(void)
- {
- MenuHandle menu;
- menu = GetMHandle(rFileMenu);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iNew, TRUE);
- //EnableMenuItem( menu, iOpen, TRUE);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iQuit, TRUE);
- inherited::SetUpMenues( );
- }
- // Return the number of types int the typeList and stuff the fMainFileType
- // in the first item.
- int DApplication::GetFileType(OSType *typeList)
- {
- *typeList = fMainFileType;
- return 1;
- }
- void DApplication::GiveClipToSystem(void)
- {
- long result, size;
- if(fClipData != NULL)
- {
- result = ZeroScrap();
- if(result != noErr)
- return;
- size = GetHandleSize(fClipData);
- HLock(fClipData);
- result = PutScrap(size, fClipType, *fClipData);
- HUnlock(fClipData);
- }
- }// end of GiveClipToSystem member fuction
- void DApplication::GetClipFromSystem(void)
- {
- long offset, result;
- Handle newData;
- newData = NewHandle(0); // Make an initial zero leangth handle
- // it will be sized by GetScrap as needed.
- result = GetScrap(newData, fClipType, &offset);
- if (result > 0)
- {
- if(fClipData != NULL)
- DisposHandle(fClipData);
- SetHandleSize(newData, result);
- fClipData = newData;
- }
- }// end of GetClipFromSystem member function
- Handle DApplication::GetClipCopyFromApp(OSType *type)
- {
- Handle tempHandle;
- OSErr err;
- *type = fClipType;
- tempHandle = fClipData;
- err = HandToHand(&tempHandle);
- if(err != noErr)
- EnterMBStr("failed on the HandToHand copy");
- return tempHandle;
- }
- void DApplication::GiveDataToApp(Handle data, OSType type)
- {
- Handle tempHandle;
- OSErr err;
- fClipType = type;
- if (fClipData)
- {
- DisposHandle(fClipData);
- }
- tempHandle = data;
- err = HandToHand(&tempHandle);
- if(err != noErr)
- EnterMBStr("failed on the HandToHand copy");
- fClipData = tempHandle;
- }